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Embryo Transfer, the leading cause of IVF Failure

60% of IVF cycles fail due to embryo transfer lack of standarized procidure. 

A successfull embryo transfer depends on three main factors: 

-Specialist Performance

-Embryo Quality

-Uterine Receptivity

After almost half a century, embryo transfer technique remains largely empirical, the slow success increase is thanks to new technologies that allows the selection of high quality embryos but there is no minimally invasive and accurate method for determining uterine receptivity in-situ. Doctors have no tools to understand if the uterus is ready for embryo transfer on the transfer day. Assure uterine readiness is vital for embryo to implant and therefore increase IVF success, offer a more patient-friendly path to parenthood and alleviate emotional and financial burdens,

Data from Spain

The uterus needs to be in the optimal conditions
to recive and care the embryo

A key factor for reproductive success in assisted reproduction treatments is the status of the maternal endometrium during embryo implantation and fetal development… Approaches that predict and prevent endometrial-factor infertility could substantially improve assisted reproduction treatment outcomes by supporting the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy”

Diaz-Gimeno P et al. Predicting risk of endometrial failure: a biomarker signature that identifies a novel disruption independent of endometrial timing in patients undergoing hormonal replacement cycles. Fertil Steril. 2024 Mar 20:S0015-0282(24)00190-0

“Embryo-endometrial synchrony is critical for successful implantation. There is an unmet need for improved precision in the evaluation of endometrial development to permit better synchronization of the embryo and the endometrium prior to implantation.”

Teh WT, McBain J, Rogers P. What is the contribution of embryo-endometrial asynchrony to implantation failure? J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Nov;33(11):1419-1430.

While selection of euploid embryos may be effective in overcoming a significant proportion of the age-related decline in reproductive efficiency, decrease in Implantation Rate, Clinical Pregnany Rate, and Live Birth Rates persists even when analyzing only euploid embryo transfers

Reig A et al. The impact of age beyond ploidy: outcome data from 8175 euploid single embryo transfers. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Mar;37(3):595-602.

“In the aging endometrium, alterations occur at the molecular, cellular, and histological levels suggesting that aging has a negative effect on endometrial biology and may impair endometrial receptivity

Pathare ADS et al. Endometrial receptivity in women of advanced age: an underrated factor in infertility. Hum Reprod Update. 2023 Nov 2;29(6):773-793.

We patented a novel biomarker to detect Uterine Readiness

Results on Early Feasibility Study

IVF Cycles are long, expensive
and sometiemes emotional devastating 


Group A

In this group of healthy woman we detected a clear uterine readiness pattern during the late lutheal phase


With Seedchrony, we will give to IVF specialists a recomendation tool so they can perform safer embryo transfers


Group B

In this group of healthy? woman with diverse pathologys? woman, we detected a clear pattern for uterine unreadiness

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